

Scotland’s tech industry is taking proactive steps to address its environmental impact, recognising the urgency of the matter.

With the global ICT industry accounting for a substantial 10% of the world’s electricity consumption, and this demand expected to double by 2025, ScotlandIS, the trade body and cluster management organisation for the digital tech sector in Scotland, is collaborating with the Royal Scottish Geographical Society (RSGS) and Jump Digital to promote a new course.

The Climate Solutions Accelerator course is designed to equip Scotland’s businesses with the knowledge, 工具, and optimism needed to combat climate change effectively. In the past year, over 108,000 individuals worldwide have taken part in this programme.

欣赏过程中的价值, ScotlandIS is set to be the first tech trade body anywhere, to offer a free course that teaches climate solutions for the individual and organisations, aiming to further expand its offerings with the launch of a Digital Sustainability course in the coming months.

凯伦Meechan, 博天堂入口的首席执行官, said: “Whether it’s the fact that the average Instagram post by footballer Cristiano Ronaldo uses as much electricity as 10 houses do in a year, or that in 2019 89% of organisations recycled less than 10% of their IT hardware, it is clear that the need for change in our sector is urgent.

“We’re increasingly relying on tech in our day-to-day lives, so it’s vital that those building and maintaining the programmes we use are doing so in the most sustainable way possible. 更重要的是, as a huge sector that is one of the biggest users of technology itself, we simply must be cognisant of the changes we can make to mitigate our impact on the environment in our working lives. This course is all about making sure that businesses are fully equipped to reach their own net zero targets as well as those of the countries they operate in.”

The Climate Solutions Accelerator course is a blend of climate science, 政策的见解, and practical solutions that can help business lead in the fight against climate change. The two-hour program comprises of four lessons that covers a vast range of topics and offers participants access to insights from experts. Completing the course helps business leaders and staff to navigate market dynamics, 识别客户行为, 响应法规, 推动创新. On successful completion students will receive a certificate from the RSGS, 斯特拉斯克莱德大学和IOD.

迈克•罗宾逊, RSGS的首席执行官, said: “Every industry needs to know about climate solutions, not just because we need everyone to play a part in helping to tackle the crisis, but also because it will shape so much of future trade, legislation and resource availability – so it is becoming essential knowledge for any business.

“The tech sector has a particular responsibility with 10% of emissions and growing. ICT is so increasingly essential to modern life that we need to ensure it is set on the right path to maximise the right innovation and investment and make the next decade as smooth as possible for its continued development, but also to avoid the radical transition necessary in more established industries.”

This course will be available to ScotlandIS member companies, offered as part of the 未来的准备 platform—an online resource hub supporting business growth. Recognising the significance of Scotland’s tech clusters, free access to the Climate Solutions Accelerator is extended to ScotlandIS网络 and Data clusters, as well as clusters within the 博天堂入口集群生态系统联盟 (SCEA).

要了解如何注册,请访问 ScotlandIS网站.
