
Growing seedlings and levelling playing fields – an update from the North East

我们都面临着一个“新常态”, working from home and combining our working day with the chaos that surrounds having children at home to educate and feed (so many times a day!), I have learned that escaping to the greenhouse to tend to my growing seedlings is an ideal way to find some peace and quiet and some time to think.  如果我想在目前的情况下看到光明的一面, and reflecting on the usual challenges we face in the North East, the corona virus has in many ways levelled our playing field, 使我们能够和其他人一样参加同样的活动, opening us up to events and networking that would have taken place in the central belt or London and saving us from taking a full day to travel to a two hour meeting, 或者成为唯一的虚拟与会者.  我们现在可以参加所有的活动, access support networks and attend meetings with the same ease and at the same cost as other attendees.

当然, a level playing field doesn’t feel like much of an advantage when we’re playing in a heavy storm and tech companies in the region are facing incredibly challenging times with customers disappearing and projects being put on hold.  2020年博天堂入口工业调查是 最近推出的 and is a great resource for understanding Scotland’s tech sector, including additional information from follow-up responses collected during April to gauge the impact of the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 crisis on the sector’s outlook for 2020.  尽管新型冠状病毒肺炎, many firms have identified opportunities for growth over the next nine months and approximately one third of those surveyed believe business opportunities will rise due to increased or new demands related to 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 尤其是在云服务领域, 数字连接, 远程工作技术和数字医疗解决方案. With 11% of survey respondents based in the NE the results are a good indicator of the sector challenges, but we know that the north east has additional challenges with the troubled Energy sector adding to the concern of tech companies in the Energy supply chain.  It has been good to catch up with many of our tech companies over the last few weeks, to check in on how they are doing and to signpost them to webinars and events that can help with support, 以及融资机会.

过去几周,东北地区的成员一直很忙.  Deep Miner launched their BtoB search engine that accesses business focussed, unbiased information and can identify sentiment to help you cut through all the information.  格雷姆·戈登(IFB), Mark Griffiths and Graeme Humphrey (Codify) ran a very sociable virtual meetup on behalf of ScotlandIS for local companies to get together for a chat and to keep the excellent support that happens in real life happening online. 也有很大的投入 博天堂入口的商业中心 来自当地成员,包括融合通信公司, 剑与科技部队, offering resources to businesses across all sectors to support rapid transformation at this challenging time.

It was wonderful to see the north east tech community rally to support NHS Grampian in extending their ‘Welcome Wards’ to include virtual visiting, to enable patients and their families to keep in touch through real time video calls, during the current restricted visiting that’s in place. A call through social media resulted in a huge number of responses, including a generous supply of iPads from the Oil and Gas Technology Centre and the proposal of solutions to other NHS problems, which we were able to connect to 他们的核心创新团队.

你们都知道, ScotlandIS have run some fantastic webinars over the last few weeks, 主题包括对企业的财政支持, how to market your business in the current climate and mental health while working at home.  If there were any that you weren’t able to attend in person they are all available on YouTube 所以一定要花点时间来看看这些, and if there are subjects you think we should be covering please let us know. Face to face event planning is also ongoing and there’s a great opportunity for cyber and data companies to participate in the SPE Aberdeen/InstMC Digitalisation of Process Control conference in November. 摘要的征集目前是 截止日期为6月19日.

博天堂入口队的继续表示由衷的感谢 support of members at this time, the Aberdeen community have completed surveys, helped with campaigns and initiatives and attended events and this support enables the team to continue to bring the industry’s views to both Scottish and 英国政府. You can read more about the activity that’s been going on and find out how your views are being represented on the ScotlandIS webpage.

If you’d like to find out more about activity in the North East or would like to meet for a virtual coffee to introduce your company and be part of the community, 请在……前与我联系 电子邮件.
